Pittsburgh Home in Summer

Summer in Pittsburgh is marked by warm temperatures and occasionally severe weather, including thunderstorms and heavy rains. These conditions pose various risks to homes, from water damage due to storms to wear and tear from the heat. To ensure your home remains safe and sound throughout the season, here are some practical tips to prevent damage during the summer months.

1. Inspect and Repair Your Roof

Start with the part of your home that takes the brunt of weather conditions: the roof. Winter snow and spring rains can leave your roof in less-than-perfect condition. Check for missing, loose, or damaged shingles and replace them. Inspect the flashing around chimneys and vents to ensure there are no gaps for water to seep through.

2. Clean and Secure Gutters and Downspouts

Ensure that your gutters are free of debris such as leaves, twigs, and other blockages. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow, leading to damage on your siding, foundation, or basement. Make sure the downspouts direct water at least three feet away from your foundation to prevent any potential water damage.

3. Check Your Home’s Foundation

Inspect your home’s foundation for cracks or signs of movement. These can become entry points for water during heavy rains. Seal any cracks with appropriate caulk or sealant. Additionally, ensure the soil around your foundation slopes away from your home to prevent water pooling, which can lead to moisture penetration into your basement or crawl spaces.

4. Maintain Your Air Conditioning System

Before the peak of summer heat, service your air conditioning unit. Change or clean the filters, check for any leaks, and ensure the system runs efficiently. This not only prevents breakdowns during hot weather but also helps in reducing your energy bills by improving energy efficiency.

5. Trim Trees and Shrubs

Overhanging branches can pose a risk during storms as they might break and fall, damaging your roof or windows. Trim back any branches that hang too close to your house. Additionally, keeping shrubs and trees well-trimmed enhances airflow and reduces moisture buildup around your home’s exterior, which can discourage mold and mildew growth.

6. Seal Windows and Doors

Check the seals around windows and doors. Any gaps can allow hot air in and cool air out, which significantly decreases your home’s energy efficiency. Sealing these gaps with weather stripping or caulk not only prevents this but also stops water from entering during a storm.

7. Prepare for Emergencies

Have an emergency preparedness plan in place. This should include checking that all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working, having a family emergency communication plan, and preparing an emergency kit with essential items like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and first aid supplies.

8. Consider Smart Home Investments

Invest in smart home technology such as water leak detectors or smart thermostats. These devices can help monitor your home and prevent major damage by alerting you to water leaks or allowing you to control your home’s temperature remotely, which can prevent overheating and related damages.

As always, if you want to ensure the best quality of your home then schedule a home inspection with us today!

If you’re a homeowner in the Pittsburgh area, you’re likely familiar with the quirks and charms of owning property in this historic and geographically diverse region. From stunning views of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers to the unique architecture dotting the city, Pittsburgh homes have a lot to offer. However, they also face a range of challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining the integrity of their structures. One issue that often catches homeowners by surprise is step cracking in masonry and brickwork. But what exactly is step cracking, and why should Pittsburgh residents be especially vigilant about it?

What Is Step Cracking?

Step cracking is a type of structural damage that appears in masonry or brick walls. It manifests as a series of horizontal and vertical cracks that resemble steps. This pattern typically follows the mortar joints between bricks or blocks, creating a zigzag pattern. While some cracks in a home are purely aesthetic concerns, step cracking can signal deeper structural issues, particularly when they widen over time or appear alongside other signs of distress in a building.

Causes of Step Cracking

Several factors can lead to step cracking, but in the Pittsburgh area, the most common causes include:

  • Soil movement: Pittsburgh’s varied topography and weather can lead to soil expansion and contraction beneath foundations, putting pressure on walls.
  • Temperature fluctuations: The region’s distinct seasons and temperature shifts can cause materials to expand and contract, leading to cracks.
  • Water infiltration: Pittsburgh’s notable rainfall can lead to water seeping into walls, freezing, and causing cracks as it expands.
  • Aging structures: Many of Pittsburgh’s homes are historical and may experience natural settling and aging, which can contribute to step cracking.

How Step Cracking Affects Your Home

Step cracking isn’t just an eyesore; it can have significant implications for your home:

  • Water Damage: Cracks can allow water to infiltrate, leading to mold, mildew, and structural rot.
  • Structural Integrity: Over time, unchecked step cracking can undermine the structural integrity of walls, leading to more serious issues.
  • Insulation Problems: Cracks can lead to drafts and increased energy bills by compromising the insulation of your home.
  • Resale Value: Visible structural damage can deter potential buyers and affect the resale value of your home.

Addressing Step Cracking

If you notice step cracking in your Pittsburgh home, it’s important to address it promptly:

  1. Inspection: Have a professional inspect the cracks to determine their severity and underlying cause.
  2. Repair: Depending on the cause, repairs may range from simple repointing of mortar to more extensive structural interventions.
  3. Prevention: Consider preventative measures such as improving drainage around your home, installing foundation supports, or addressing any identified issues contributing to soil movement.

Radon gas is a silent intruder, colorless, odorless, and potentially lethal. It seeps into our homes through cracks in the foundation, gaps in flooring, or even our water supply, unbeknownst to us. As the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, the importance of radon testing cannot be overstated. This invisible threat could be compromising the air quality in your home and endangering your family’s health.

Understanding Radon and Its Risks

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the decay of uranium in soil, rock, and water. It can enter any home, old or new, creating an invisible health hazard that can only be detected through testing. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that about 1 in 15 homes in the United States has radon levels at or above the recommended action level. However, because radon levels can vary greatly even from house to house, the only way to know if your home is at risk is through radon testing.

Why Test for Radon?

Testing for radon is the first and most crucial step in protecting your home environment from this dangerous gas. Here’s why radon testing is indispensable:

  • Health Protection: Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year in the U.S. alone. Testing helps identify high levels of radon in your home, allowing you to take necessary actions to mitigate this risk.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your home is safe from high levels of radon can provide you and your family with peace of mind. If radon levels are found to be high, mitigation systems can effectively reduce radon to safer levels.
  • Home Value Preservation: If you’re considering selling your home, high radon levels can be a significant deterrent to potential buyers. Testing and mitigating radon can preserve, if not increase, your home’s value.

How to Test for Radon

Radon testing is simple and affordable. There are two primary methods: short-term and long-term testing. Short-term tests remain in your home for a few days to a week, while long-term tests measure radon levels for 90 days to a year, providing a more accurate assessment of average radon levels. DIY radon test kits are available, but for a thorough and accurate measurement, it’s advisable to hire professionals like Clarity Home Inspections, who can provide expert analysis and advice.

Termite damage in Pittsburgh homes

What’s the Deal with Termites in Pittsburgh?

Pittsburgh weather, with both rainy springs and hot summers, is like a welcome mat for termites. They’re not your typical houseguests, but they love it here. And the tricky part? They’re hard to detect. Understanding where they thrive and how to detect them is key. Catching them early can save a homeowner costly repairs.

It’s Important to Catch Them Early

Less Damage, Less Hassle: Termites are unwanted pests that are known to eat through your walls. Catching them early means they do less “eating” and you do less repairing.

Your Wallet Will Thank You: Termite damage repair can cost a pretty penny. Finding them early keeps that money in your pocket.

Stop Them in Their Tracks: Spot them early, and you stop them from spreading to areas in your home you frequent, such as a den or study.

Sleep Better at Night: There’s something comforting about knowing your home is termite-free.

Spotting the Un-welcome Visitors

Keep an eye out for these signs:

– Tap your walls. Does the wood sound hollow? If so, there may be termite damage.
– Notice any wood getting darker or paint bubbling up? Not a good sign.
– Mud tunnels on your walls or beams? Termites might be thriving here.
– Spot a swarm of winged insects? Time to take action.

How can I be sure I do not have termites?

One way to ensure your home is termite free is hiring a local Pittsburgh area home inspector to inspect your entire home. We are always here to help answer your questions. Contact us today!

A pittsburgh home inspector

While many local homeowners understand the importance of a home inspection, certain areas tend to get overlooked during this process. These often-neglected areas can hide potential issues that might cost you in the long run if left unaddressed. In this article, we’ll shed light on Pittsburgh’s most frequently overlooked home inspection areas to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a property.

1. Crawl Spaces and Basements:

Pittsburgh’s diverse climate can lead to moisture problems, and these areas are particularly susceptible to mold, mildew, and water damage. A thorough inspection of crawl spaces and basements can uncover issues that might not be immediately visible, such as leaks, cracks, or foundation problems.

2. Chimneys and Fireplaces:

With Pittsburgh’s cold winters, fireplaces are often seen as a cozy feature. However, chimneys and fireplaces require regular maintenance and inspections to ensure they are safe and in proper working condition. Issues like creosote buildup, damaged flues, or improper ventilation can pose safety risks if overlooked.

3. Attics:

Attics are easily forgotten, but they can hide a multitude of issues. Inspecting the attic for signs of leaks, insulation problems, or pest infestations is essential. Proper insulation and ventilation are crucial in Pittsburgh to maintain energy efficiency and prevent ice dams on the roof during winter.

4. Electrical Systems:

While some homeowners may pay attention to visible electrical issues, a comprehensive electrical inspection should go beyond that. Checking the entire electrical system, including the panel, outlets, and wiring, can uncover safety hazards like outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, or faulty connections.

5. Plumbing:

Pittsburgh’s older homes often have outdated plumbing systems that can be prone to leaks, corrosion, and other issues. Inspecting pipes, fixtures, and drainage systems can prevent costly water damage down the road.

6. Exterior Drainage:

Proper drainage is crucial to prevent water from infiltrating your home’s foundation, especially in Pittsburgh’s hilly terrain. Checking the grading, downspouts, and drainage systems around the property is essential to keep your basement dry.

7. Radon Levels:

Pittsburgh is known for having elevated radon levels, which can pose a serious health risk. Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that seeps into homes through the ground. Testing for radon during a home inspection is vital to ensure your family’s safety.

8. HVAC Systems:

Heating and cooling systems should be thoroughly inspected to ensure they are in good working order. Pittsburgh’s varying temperatures throughout the year make a reliable HVAC system essential for comfort and energy efficiency.

9. Outdoor Structures:

If the property has outdoor structures such as decks, patios, or fences, don’t forget to inspect them as well. Ensure they are structurally sound and free from rot, decay, or pest damage.

For these reasons and more, it has never been more important to schedule a professional home inspection to ensure your home is safe and sound!

Home inspection around pittsburgh pa

If you’re a homeowner in the Steel City, you’re living in a place where every neighborhood brims with personality and history. But with Pittsburgh’s unique blend of old and new architecture, there come certain challenges, especially after a home inspection. Whether you’re nestled in a quaint Lawrenceville row house or perched on the slopes of Mount Washington, here are some of the most common repairs Pittsburgh homes need after an inspection.

Tending to Timeless Foundations

Pittsburgh’s rolling hills and rivers are picturesque, but they also mean that many homes are built on slopes, leading to potential foundation issues. After a home inspection, it’s not uncommon for Pittsburghers to face the need for foundation repairs, especially in older homes where time has allowed for some settling. Look out for telltale signs like uneven floors, cracked walls, or doors that won’t close properly.

Roofs That Weather the Weather

In Pittsburgh, where the weather can change faster than a Kennywood rollercoaster ride, roofs must withstand a lot. From the heavy snowfalls to the springtime downpours, Pittsburgh roofs take a beating. Post-inspection repairs often include replacing worn shingles or fixing leaky flashing. Regular roof maintenance can help, but sometimes, a full replacement is what it takes to keep your abode dry and cozy.

Historic Homes, Historic Plumbing

Charming as they are, the historic homes in neighborhoods like the Mexican War Streets or Shadyside come with plumbing that sometimes belongs in a museum. Galvanized pipes, common in older homes, are prone to corrosion and clogging. After a home inspection, replacing old pipes with copper or PEX can save you from a burst pipe turning your basement into an impromptu swimming pool.

The Fight Against Moisture and Mold

Our city’s love affair with rivers and humidity is a recipe for moisture issues in our homes. A home inspection can often reveal hidden mold or dampness lurking in basements or attics. Addressing these issues might involve installing dehumidifiers, improving ventilation, or waterproofing basements to keep the Yinzer spirit high and the mildew low.

Insulation: Keeping the Heat in the ‘Burgh

We Pittsburghers are hearty folk, but no one likes throwing money out the window, especially in the form of heat. Many Pittsburgh homes, especially the older, draftier ones, need better insulation. Post-inspection, it’s common to upgrade attic insulation or to seal gaps around windows and doors to keep your home toasty and your energy bills reasonable.

Electrical Upgrades for Modern Times

Homes in the ‘Burgh have character, and with that character comes the need for electrical system updates. It’s not unusual for a home inspection to uncover outdated electrical panels or wiring that isn’t up to code. To safely power our modern gadgets, updating the electrical system is a post-inspection must.

Aesthetic Updates After the Technicalities

Finally, once the structural and systemic issues are addressed, many homeowners opt for cosmetic updates. It could be refinishing hardwood floors worn down by generations of Pittsburgh families, or updating a kitchen that still feels like a set from “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.”

Whether you’re preparing to sell your Pittsburgh pad or settling into your forever home, paying attention to these common post-inspection repairs can ensure your house stands as strong as our city’s heritage. Remember, a well-maintained home is like a good neighbor — always there for you when you need it.

In Pittsburgh, our homes are as robust and full of life as our people. With a little care and regular maintenance, we can keep them standing proud and strong, come rain, shine, or Steelers game day.

Pittsburgh area home inspection

Winter in Pittsburgh isn’t just about sipping hot chocolate and enjoying the twinkling lights of holiday decorations. It’s also about ensuring our homes are ready to withstand the cold, snowy months ahead. Here’s a Pittsburgher’s guide to ensuring your house is prepped and primed for winter.

1. Check Your Heating System: Before the cold snap hits, it’s wise to get your furnace or heating system checked by a professional. This not only ensures you’ll have a warm home when temperatures drop but can also prevent potential carbon monoxide leaks. And don’t forget to change or clean your furnace filters regularly throughout the winter!

2. Insulate Against Drafts: Pittsburgh winters can be drafty. Ensure your windows and doors have proper weatherstripping. Caulking any gaps can prevent chilly drafts and help lower your heating bills. For older homes with single-pane windows, consider adding storm windows or using insulating window film to keep the cold out.

3. Clear Those Gutters: Autumn leaves are beautiful, but they can clog gutters, leading to potential ice dams in winter. Ensure your gutters are clear of debris so water can flow freely, preventing icicles and ice buildup that can damage roofs and gutters.

4. Prepping Your Plumbing: Frozen pipes can be a real headache. Insulate any exposed pipes in unheated areas like basements, attics, or garages. And remember, on particularly freezing nights, let your taps drip slightly to keep water moving and prevent freezing.

5. Check Your Chimney: If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace in your Pittsburgh home, ensure your chimney is cleaned and inspected before lighting that cozy winter fire. A clean chimney not only prevents chimney fires but also ensures that smoke and dangerous gases are vented properly.

6. Stock Up on Essentials: Keep a good supply of salt or sand for your walkways and driveway, as Pittsburgh’s snow and ice can make them treacherous. Don’t forget a quality snow shovel and maybe even consider investing in a snow blower if you have a larger driveway.

7. Roof Inspection: Snow and ice can be heavy, so it’s a good idea to inspect your roof for any signs of wear, damage, or weak spots that might buckle under winter’s weight. If you’re unsure about what to look for, consider hiring a local home inspector to assess your roof’s readiness.

A Pittsburgh home in Summer

As a homeowner, you know that no house is perfect. Every home, whether new or old, has its very own characteristics. And here in Pittsburgh, there are some common problems that I come across more often than not as a Pittsburgh Area home inspector.

Let’s take a closer look at what those issues might be and why they matter. Trust me; it’s not all doom and gloom! With the right knowledge, you can handle these issues like a pro.

1. Basement and Foundation Issues

With the type of soil and weather we have here in the ‘Burgh, foundation problems are not uncommon. Cracks, leaks, or even a slightly tilted foundation can cause serious structural problems. Keep an eye out for signs like uneven floors or doors that won’t close properly. And if you’re in doubt, don’t hesitate to call in a professional to take a look.

2. Aging Plumbing Systems

Pittsburgh’s rich history means many homes here have character – and sometimes, that character extends to aging plumbing. Corroded pipes, slow drains, or recurring leaks might be charming (not really), but they’re signs you need to investigate further.

3. Roofing Woes

Our beloved Pittsburgh weather can wreak havoc on roofs. I’ve seen more than my fair share of missing shingles, leaks, and poor ventilation.

4. Electrical Quirks

From outdated wiring to overloaded circuits, electrical problems are something I often come across. It’s a serious safety concern and something you should never attempt to fix yourself unless you’re a licensed electrician.

5. Energy Efficiency Challenges

Who doesn’t want to save a few bucks on their energy bills? But many homes in our area lack proper insulation and energy-efficient windows. While it might cost a bit upfront to fix these issues, the long-term savings are well worth it.

6. Pest Intruders

We all love nature, but no one likes unwanted guests in their home. Termites, ants, and even the occasional raccoon have been known to set up shop in Pittsburgh homes. Regular inspections and preventive measures can keep these pesky critters at bay.

Of course a great way to keep your Pittsburgh area home healthy is by hiring a professional home inspector to make sure everything is of top notch!

Home inspectors in Pittsburgh

There are several items to consider when purchasing a home in the Pittsburgh area. A crucial step of the home-buying process, often overlooked or underemphasized, is the professional home inspection. It may seem like an added expense, and in the face of towering mortgage payments and closing costs, an easy corner to cut. However, the importance of a comprehensive home inspection cannot be understated.

Let’s look at why this is…

Uncover Hidden Issues

Behind the fresh coat of paint and the newly installed hardwood floor, a property could be hiding several expensive problems. These could range from plumbing nightmares, faulty wiring, and structural concerns to pest infestations. A professional home inspector has the training and experience to spot these issues, which might be invisible to the untrained eye. Identifying such problems before closing could save you thousands of dollars in repairs down the line.

Negotiating Power

Information is power—especially in real estate negotiations. The results of a home inspection could provide you with the leverage you need to renegotiate the price. If the inspector identifies significant issues, you could ask the seller to either fix these problems before closing or lower the asking price to cover the repair costs.

Planning Future Costs

A home inspection can provide a good understanding of the property’s age, wear and tear, and the potential lifespan of major systems and appliances. With this information, you can plan for future repair or replacement costs, avoiding unexpected expenses after you move in. It’s a step towards informed budgeting and a smoother homeownership journey.

Insurance Requirements

Many insurance companies require a home inspection before offering coverage. They want to be sure the house doesn’t have pre-existing conditions that could lead to major insurance claims down the road. By having an inspection done before closing, you’re ensuring a smoother process when it comes time to get your new home insured.

Peace of Mind

Perhaps the most significant benefit of a professional home inspection is the peace of mind it brings. Purchasing a home is a significant financial decision, likely one of the most substantial you’ll ever make. Knowing that you’re making an informed choice, with a clear understanding of the property’s condition, can take a weight off your shoulders.

Despite the initial cost, a professional home inspection in the Pittsburgh area is a valuable investment in the home-buying process. Let us help by scheduling your professional home inspection today!

Pittsburgh area home inspection services

The season of longer days, warmer weather, and plenty of opportunities to enjoy your Pittsburgh area home’s outdoor spaces are here. But while you’re kicking back in your hammock or firing up the barbecue, don’t forget that summer is also an ideal time to tackle some home maintenance tasks. Here are some essential summer home maintenance tips to help your home stay in peak condition for your next Pittsburgh area home inspection.

1. Check Your Air Conditioning System

A failing air conditioner on a hot day is not an ideal scenario. Replace your air filter every 1-3 months depending on your home’s specific needs. Check your outdoor condenser unit for any debris that may have built up and remove it to ensure efficient operation.

2. Inspect Your Roof

Winter and spring can be hard on roofs, especially in areas with heavy snow or frequent storms. Look for loose or missing shingles, signs of rust on metal roofs, and any other indications of damage. If you spot any issues, have them repaired immediately to prevent leaks or further damage.

3. Clean Gutters and Downspouts

Over time, your gutters can become clogged with leaves and other debris. This can lead to water damage if not addressed. Make sure to clean out your gutters and check your downspouts for any obstructions. Consider installing gutter guards to reduce the amount of debris that can collect in them.

4. Check Your Deck or Patio

Look for any signs of damage or wear on your deck or patio. Replace any loose or damaged boards, and consider applying a fresh coat of sealant to protect against the summer sun’s harsh rays. Don’t forget to check any outdoor furniture for damage as well!

5. Examine Windows and Doors

Heat can escape through cracks around windows and doors, making your air conditioner work harder than it needs to. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal any gaps, and consider adding window film to help reflect heat away from your home.

6. Keep an Eye on Landscaping

Summer is a prime time for plants to grow, but unchecked growth can cause problems for your home. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed back from your house to prevent damage and keep pests at bay. Make sure your lawn is getting enough water, but be mindful of any local watering restrictions.

Remember, home maintenance is a year-round job, and the effort you put in now can prevent costly repairs down the line. By keeping these summer home maintenance tips in mind, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your summer knowing your home is well taken care of.

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